Life After Surgery

Holding Yourself Accountable for Your Weight Loss

by Anthony Benjamin on Oct 12, 2022

Holding Yourself Accountable for Your Weight Loss

Holding Yourself Accountable for Your Weight Loss

image1Weight loss surgery can be a life-changing experience. After surgery, when you are trying to lose weight, you may find that willpower alone isn’t enough to stay on track. Personal responsibility will help you be accountable for weight loss and will play a central role in the overall success of your weight loss program.

Bariatric surgery gives you the tools to succeed, but it isn’t a miracle cure. After all, temptations will still exist, your emotions can still run wild, and social engagements will occur, putting excuses in front of you to make choices that aren’t in your best interest. Developing a sense of accountability can help you make healthy changes in your life. When you are accountable, you are less likely to cancel a follow-up appointment with your doctor or skip a workout.

If you find that you are struggling, the following are some strategies to help you build and maintain accountability as you work toward your weight loss goals and healthier life.

Start a Weight Loss Journal

Make a habit of writing down the food you eat, and what you drink so you can see what you are eating and in what portion sizes. Try making log entries before you eat to increase your awareness of what’s going into your body.

Chart fitness activities so you can see your progress and keep yourself motivated.

Also, keep track of when you go to sleep, when you wake up, and how you feel throughout the day. This practice will help you track stressors and uncover trends that might be hindering your weight loss efforts. This habit will also help you stick to your diet and exercise habits.

Find a Workout Partner

img2If you find it hard to keep a regular exercise routine, call a friend, or hire a personal trainer so you have a set time when you will work out. They can be your cheerleader and encourage you to push yourself harder than you might on your own. Furthermore, hiring a personal trainer adds financial incentives to keep the appointment.

If you prefer going solo, there are several apps to help you get in the recommended 10,000 daily steps as well as assist you with completing reps, sticking to your diet, and setting goals.

Reach Out to Your Support Network

Don’t be shy to let your family and friends know how they can help you stay accountable. Ask them to invite you to go for a walk instead of meeting for dessert. You may even consider joining a weight loss support group that has weekly weigh-ins.

Weigh Yourself Weekly

image1You may find that the numbers on the scale aren’t falling fast enough. Even though you may be tempted to weigh yourself more frequently, try stepping on the scale once a week. This can help relieve the frustration of small fluctuations you may see day-to-day.

Another way to measure success is by taking measurements of your waistline, hips, bust, thighs, and calves. Muscle takes up less volume than fat (and it weighs more), so you will see inches melt away, even if the numbers on the scale move slowly.

During any weight loss program, plateaus will occur. Here are a few suggestions to help you move forward if you find that you have stalled:

  • Track and measure your food.
  • Change up your diet to focus on lean protein and fewer carbs.
  • Change up your exercise routine. Try adding some hills or strength training to burn more energy.
  • Increase your daily activity by taking the stairs instead of the elevator or park at the back of the parking lot and take extra steps to walk to the store.
  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep. If you are not getting quality sleep, your body has a harder time burning calories, and you may experience an increase in food cravings.

Create a Healthy Rewards Program

Keep in mind that losing and maintaining weight is a journey. Keep your goals in mind, no matter what they are. When you reach each goal, give yourself a gift. Don’t turn to food; instead, schedule a massage or go to a movie.

Choose ProCare Health for Your Bariatric Vitamin Supplements

At ProCare Health, we have created vitamin and mineral supplements specifically for people who have had bariatric surgery.

Not sure what product would work best for you? Contact us today. We can guide you to the products that will provide the best results based on your surgery type, preferences, and health needs. We offer a free sample to help you get started!