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Dark Chocolate Calcium Bar | 500mg Calcium | 500 IU Vitamin D
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TruCal® is an all-natural, Lactose-free Calcium with a higher absorption rate than Calcium Carbonate, and equal to or greater than Calcium Citrate. Unlike other Calcium forms, Trucal® offers a balanced profile of essential minerals and antioxidants. (All the healthy parts of milk with very low lactose) thus, making Trucal® the superior choice for achieving your optimal bone health. Like Calcium Citrate, TruCal does not require stomach acid for absorption, is non-constipating, does not increase the risk for kidney stones, and doesn't need to be consumed with food; making TruCal a comparable, if not more complete, Calcium option than Calcium Citrate.
Learn more about TruCal® by watching the video below or click here.
Please note these are made with a clean profile. Our chocolate calcium bars are free of preservatives and waxy coatings. Despite any "blooming" (caramel or white discoloration from the cocoa butter) caused by temperature changes, the vitamin D and calcium remain fully intact. Enjoy without worry!
Want to know more about our chocolate? Click here to read a short article about it.