What Type of Protein Powder Is Best?
literature recommends that bariatric patients consume between 60 and 90 grams of protein a
day. To achieve this goal, bariatric patients must consume their protein in a series of
smaller meals, as their stomachs can only hold so much food. Unfortunately, reaching that
goal with a regular diet can be difficult for most bariatric patients. Thus, many bariatric
patients rely on protein powder to meet these goals!
You can put protein powder in water, shakes, oatmeal, etc. And some varieties can be mixed in small amounts of liquid to be taken as a shot, medium amounts for pudding consistency or larger amounts for a shake.
It can come flavorless or in various flavors like chocolate and vanilla. But how do you know you’re picking the right one? And which one is right for you?
There are so many protein products on the market made from so many different sources that it can be extremely challenging to find the right product for you.
Are you tired of guessing which protein powder is suitable for you? Keep reading to learn what type of protein powder is best!
The Different Types of Protein Powder
Protein powders are concentrated forms of protein derived from different animals (dairy, eggs) or plants (rice, peas). The three common forms include:
- Protein concentrates –60-80% of these powders are protein, while the remaining 20-40% are composed of fats and carbohydrates.
- Protein isolates – these powders are about 90-95% protein.
- Protein hydrolysates – Due to the manufacturing process, hydrolysates absorb more quickly in your body.
To learn more, check out our LIVE event, led by Katie Chapmon MS RD.
Where Does Protein Come From?
Manufacturers can pull protein from many different sources. However, there are some key sources that you are more likely to run into while searching for the perfect protein powder. These include:
- Whey protein
- Casein protein
- Egg protein
- Pea protein
- Hemp protein
- Brown rice protein
- Mixed plant proteins
While there are many different types of protein, some are better suited for maintaining lean muscle mass and regulating weight. Based on scientific research, we conclude that whey protein, particularly whey protein isolate (WPI) is best for building and maintaining muscle and weight management. Check out our ProCare Health | Whey Isolate Protein Powder today as a premier source of protein.
The Benefits of Whey Protein Isolate Powder
When choosing a suitable protein powder for bariatric patients, we look at calories per serving, fat content, carbohydrate count, and sugar. Ideally, you should go with a protein drink with at least 20 grams of protein, no more than 300 calories, and less than 15 grams of sugar.
Generally, whey protein, particularly WPI, is low in carbohydrates, fat, lactose, and calories. It is also easily digested, the purest form of protein, and is a complete protein—meaning, it contains all nine essential amino acids our bodies need to be healthy.
Other benefits of whey protein include:
Manages Type 2 Diabetes
Whey protein can also help manage type 2 diabetes.
One review concludes that whey protein can reduce serum glucose levels in healthy individuals, maintain muscle mass, lower the secretion of the hunger hormone (ghrelin), and promote the release of satiety hormones. The review also discusses that doctors can use cysteine, a component of whey protein, as therapy in glycemia and vascular inflammation control in diabetics.
Obesity Management
It’s well known that protein is the most satiating of the macronutrients. One study showed that individuals who replaced 25% of their daily calories with protein cut their cravings by 60%. They also reduced their late-night snacking by more than half.
A 12-week study on obese men showed that whey protein concentrates preload conducted 30 minutes before the main meal exerts a more substantial satiety effect than soy protein isolate. This effect on satiety leads to less calorie intake, decreases in body mass index and waist circumference, and improvements in body composition (body fat mass and lean muscle).
In another study, those given whey protein rather than the control beverage lost significantly more body fat and preserved more lean muscle.
Lowers Cholesterol
This study compared the cholesterol-lowering capabilities of whey protein and casein protein. After 12 weeks, whey protein significantly reduced total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol more than casein protein.
Why Bariatric Patients Should Use Whey Protein Isolate Powder
Whey protein isolate is the most protein-rich form of whey protein. It also contains all nine essential amino acids. By taking whey protein isolate, along with a healthy diet and regular exercise, you can expect to experience the benefits of whey protein.
However, it’s essential to buy from a trusted source to know that you’re receiving premium protein supplements. That’s where ProCare Health comes in!
Shop ProCare Health Today!
If you want a protein that will help you lose fat but maintain lean muscle mass, then the ProCare Health | Whey Isolate Protein Powder is for you. Unlike other protein powders, our protein powder contains 26 grams of protein, an immunity blend, a digestive enzyme blend, and added electrolytes, all for $1.27 per serving!
Your health comes first. Don’t settle for products that aren’t going to do the absolute maximum to help you be your best self. Visit our website today to view all the products we provide for bariatric health.